Institute of Crops Research and Development
●+ Breed super hybrid rice varieties and high quality pure-line rice varieties;
●+ Transfer of agricultural technology and F1seed production technology.
Institute ofAgro-biology
+ Research in various fields: bio-technology, crop breeding, hybrid rice breeding, hi-tech agriculture, post-harvesting preservation and processing;
+ Research and produce micro-organism product, fertilizer and processed food.
Center of International Plant Research Vietnam and Japan
+ Crop improvement and breeding;
+ Research on advanced techniques for crop production.
Center of Experimentation and Avocational Training
+ Research, build and develop crop and animal production models suitable to different ecological regions;
+ Build the advanced crop and animal production models.
Center of Tropical Plant Pathology
+ Research on biological and ecological aspects of pathogen;
+ Research and apply bio-technology on crop protection;
+ Research on new pathogen, and new diseases.
Center for Conservation and Development of Crop Genetic Resources
+ Collect, conserve, assess and develop the national and international crop genetic resource.
Center of Organic Promotion and Studies
+ Research on mushroom production;
+ Study the techniques applied for organic crop production;
+ Consult and design the vegetable, fruit, tea and rice grown under organic certification and VietGAP.
Center of High Quality Vegetable Seed
+ Breed and propagate of some high quality vegetable.
Centerfor Tropical Bees and beekeeping
+ Breed new bee varieties;
+ Research new techniques on bee propagation and production.
JICA Bio-technology Laboratory
+ Do surveys and assessment of biodiversity and research on biodiversity conservation;
+ Isolate and determine the roles of resistant genes (drought, cold, salinity…) in order to apply on crop breeds to adapted to climate change.
JICA Laboratory on Soil Sciences
+ Analyze soil, water and air in order to assess environment quality;
+ Treat the field and urban waste by applying micro-organism technology.
Plant Cell Technology Laboratory
+ Conduct research on plant tissue culture
+ Develop propagation method of some crops by tissue culture technique.
Crop Science Laboratory
+ Research on advanced techniques applied for crop production;
+ Contribute to breed new crop varieties.