According to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, VNUA president, cooperation between university and businesses is an imperative factor to improve training quality and produce highly qualfied human resource meeting social needs.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, VNUA president, speaks at the event
Continuously improving training quality
On the afternoon of December 7, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) hosted a conference on cooperation in training and research between acadmic institutions and businesses. The conference was led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Joining the panal discussion, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan, VNUA president, highly appreciated series of activities promoting cooperation between acadmic institutions and businesses initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development recent years.
Prof. Dr. Lan mentioned that VNUA has been exploring all posbiilities and its strenths to expand cooperation with partners and considering as a top prority and a driving force for development.
VNUA is a leading university in the country in training human resources in the agricultural sector. During the period of 2016 to 2023, It has signed 997 cooperation agreements with domestic and foreign partners. On average, more than 100 agreements are signed each year. VNUA has continuously improved the quality of training, research and services, contributing to the overall development of the agricultural sector.

Panel discussion about the benefits of cooperation between academic institutions and businesses.
"We determine that cooperation not only brings economic benefits but also creates opportunities for staff and students" Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan emphasized. She further stressed that scientific research is vital to the development of the university.
Quality means survival; research must be linked to the market and practical needs, so each lecturer must actively engage in research, must think about research directions which can return products for commercialization or technological processes for production. The research should target specific products. The entrepreneurial spirit has spread widely to staff and students especially when VNUA has implemented autonomy.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Le Minh Hoan, on the right side, attends the conference.
Creating linkage between businesses and universities
Considering that the relationship between businesses and universities is supportive and complementary, Dr. Bui Huy Doanh - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, VNUA emphasized the important role of businesses in the development of the linkage and recognization of goals and activities of cooperation agreement in practice.
Businesses are the end users of universities’s graduates and at the same time offer opportunities for learners to practice. The cooperation with businesses helps higher education institutions overcome shortcomings in training, provide practical and social need based programs.
Currently, the partnership between higher education institutions and businesses has also been strengthened through scientific research activities and the transfer of scientific advances also.

Participants raise their concers at the Q and A section
Currently, VNUA is runnging talent nurturing programs sponsored by companies (Greenfeed, Sunjin, BaF). Those programs are good models in training human resources and have revealed encouraging results.
Dr. Bui Huy Doanh added that many former students of the Faculty of Animal Science after participating in talent nurturing classes have had good opportunities to develop their careers effectively and many of them are now in high positions in their companies.
It is worthy noted that graduates basically qualify requirements of enterprises, however, Mr. Vu Anh Tuan - Deputy General Director, Vietnam Joint Stock Company mentioned that enterprises normally have their own characteristics so they require additional training and skills.

Minister Le Minh Hoan and Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan present souvenirs to representatives of enterprises and organizations that have made outstanding achievements in promoting cooperation with academic institutions in the agriculture and rural development sector
VNUA has the largest campus in the capital with an area of nearly 200 hectares and modern and well equiped infrastructure, including: nearly 170 smart classrooms, 52 laboratories (including 6 ISO laboratories), 82 technology models... In particular, VNUA has recently established the Center of Excellent Research and Innovation with 20 modern, specialized research rooms, where core research groups can implement research and produce products for the agricultural sector and rural development. VNUA’s library has nearly 30,000 books and references and has connected to the libraries of many famous universities in the world; the dormitory at VNUA is spacious, accomodating nearly 5,000 students; a well equiped sports center can be found at VNUA.
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